
To create a CSS Grid-based layout in missing.css, use the .grid class.

By default, the grid will have equal-width columns but uneven rows. To override these, you have the .grid-even-rows and .grid-variable-cols classes.

To specify the row and column an element should occupy, use the data-cols and data-rows attributes:

Element will take up first column, next available row
data-cols="1 3"
Element will take up columns 1 to 3 (both 1 and 3 included), next available row
data-cols="1 3" data-rows="2 3"
Element will take up a 3×2 space, with a 1 column gap above

Note that our column specifications are based on rows, not lines. This means data-cols="1 2" spans two columns, as opposed to grid-column: 1 / 2 which spans only one.

We support columns up to 12.

To change the layout based on viewport size, add @s (small, ≤768px) or @l (large, ≥1024px) to the end of the attributes:

data-cols@s="1" data-cols="1 2" data-cols@l="1 3"
Element will take 1 column in small screens, 2 columns on medium screens and 3 on large screens
<div class="grid grid-even-rows">
  <div class="box info" data-cols="1 2" data-rows="1 2">Sidebar  </div>
  <div class="box info" data-cols="3 5" data-rows="1 3">Main     </div>
  <div class="box info" data-cols="6" data-rows="2" data-cols@s="3 5" data-rows@s="4">Aux</div>